Withholding Tax Calculators

Singapore provides various tax calculators to help individuals and businesses compute their tax liabilities efficiently. These tools assist in tax planning and compliance with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) regulations.

No. Calculator Description
1. Withholding Tax Applicability Guide Check if Withholding Tax is applicable on the payment made to a non-resident.
2. S45 Double Taxation Relief Tax Rate Calculator Check the applicable Double Taxation Relief (DTR) tax rate and calculate any late payment penalties payable on all payments made to non-residents excluding payments to non-resident professionals and public entertainers.
3. DTA Calculator for non-resident professionals (XLS, 323KB) Check eligibility for tax treaty exemption and complete IR586 online

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Our expertise spans across Corporate Secretarial, Accountancy, Tax Returns, Tax Savings, Tax Advices, Payroll Services