Learn about the Unique Entity Number (UEN), the official registration number assigned to all businesses in Singapore.
UEN is the company registration number.
Can I convert my sole proprietorship to a Private Limited Company later?
What are the key differences between a branch office and a subsidiary?
Who in Singapore can be my local director?
What happens if I don’t meet compliance requirements?
How do I close a company in Singapore?
What is a Unique Entity Number (UEN)?
Can a foreigner set up a company in Singapore?
What are the advantages of setting a financial year end within 12 months of incorporation?
What are the post-incorporation issues need to consider before starting business?
What are the post-incorporation issues need to consider before starting a foreign branch in Singapore?
What are the businesses that need licenses?
What are the best company incorporation service providers in Singapore?
What are professional and filing fees?
My friend stays in Singapore. Can I use his address as a Registered Address?
I am a foreigner and want to set up a Singapore company and run it from Singapore. What are my options?
Is it mandatory to have a Singapore resident director to register a Singapore company? What happens if I do not have a Singapore director?
What are dormant companies?
Is it necessary for me to be a Singaporean to incorporate a company in Singapore?
What activities are allowed to be carried out by a Singapore Company?
How do I find out if the name for my company is available?
Does Singapore have any restrictions on foreign ownership?
How long does it take to incorporate a Singapore company?
How long does it take to set up a Singapore company?
Do I need to display my company registration number?
Do I need to visit Singapore to set up a Singapore company?
Do Singapore-registered companies usually use an incorporation agent?
Can I apply for a Letter of Consent prior to incorporating a Singapore company? Why do I need to appoint a resident director?
Can I apply for an Employment Pass prior to incorporating my Singapore company? Why do I need to appoint a resident director?
Can a Personalised Employment Pass (PEP) holder start their own business in Singapore?
Am I required to visit Singapore to set up the Company?